October 11, 2010

Exámen, Round 2

The kids are getting ready for their next test, which is this Friday, October 15. The test will cover everything we've learned in class the last unit: greetings and goodbyes, asking and answering questions, likes and dislikes, definite articles, plural nouns, and culture questions. The students have a review packet that they've been working on in class, and of course they have their books that they can use to study from. I let the students know last Thursday that they should start studying. That way they aren't cramming at the last minute! As always, if your child needs extra help, I am available most days after school.

I also recently sent with the kids a report of everything that they have missing in my class. Unfortunately, it is too late to turn in worksheets from the last unit (Capítulo Preliminar), but I am still accepting worksheets from Capítulo Uno (Chapter 1), and they have until next Monday, October 18 to turn these in.

After this unit, the kids will start working on a 'Cultural Project' in which they will work with a partner and choose a topic concerning Hispanic culture (I have a list that they can choose from). They then research and put a power point project together to present to the class and tell them all of the information they need to know about that topic. It is a very fun project, and the kids do very well with it, so I am looking forward to what they show me this year!

Have a great week!

October 1, 2010

¡Tarea para Padres!

¡Atención Padres (Attention Parents)!

Your kids are learning so much in my class, I wanted to encourage them to share with you what we are learning and encourage you to engage in Spanish dialog with your kids so that you can learn a bit of what they learned! I will be assigning, each week, a Parent Challenge that will be posted here, on my website, and on my Edmodo.com account. You may submit your answers through your child on Edmodo.com. If your child needs the code to join my class on Edmodo.com, please email me at jrounds@landerschools.org or have your child ask me in class! 

So here is YOUR homework parents! 

Parent Challenge: 
Working with your child, can you guess the meaning of each greeting? Remind your child to use appropriate cultural body language! With your child, log on to Edmodo.com (make an account with your child if you need to and let me know if you need the code for your child's class) and write a response of what happened between you and your child! Did you guess correctly? Tell me if there was laughing involved!
1. ¿Cómo te llamas?
2. ¿Cómo estás?
3. ¿De dónde eres?

This "homework" assignment is due on Friday, October 8!

¡Buena suerte! I look forward to hearing your responses!